A 3-Hour Crash Course for Absolute Beginners!
This course is for absolute beginners, so you don’t need any prior Photoshop knowledge. I’ve included downloadable images so you can follow along as I create and edit the projects in class, and work on those yourself at your own pace. Ideally, you should have the Mac version of Adobe Photoshop CC available to work from, which by the way, is available as a free trial from Adobe.
So if you’ve been tinkering with Photoshop for a while and just feel stuck and overwhelmed with the available tools and options, or if this is your first time using the software, THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU! Let’s jump in and learn how we can begin creating some Photoshop magic.
In this course, you’ll learn;
Understanding the Photoshop workspace
Common shortcut keys
Creating and editing text
Adding images to the canvas
Organizing and manipulating layers
Resizing the workspace canvas
Using layer relationships
Magic wand selection tools
Lasso selection tools
Advanced object selection and fine-tuning