Learn Ethical Hacking in 2020: Beginner to Advanced!

Learn ethical hacking, penetration testing and network security skills with the most comprehensive course for 2020!


Ethical hacking, better known as “penetration testing,” involves purposeful “hacking” into a computer network by a qualified person for purposes of testing a system’s security. A certified penetration tester with the full knowledge of all parties involved typically does penetration tests under contract.

Business commerce, financial transactions, records, and communication are almost all web/cloud-based now. Malicious hackers (black hats) attempt to steal money, goods, or information. They can change records, exploit weaknesses, and otherwise wreak havoc on businesses, computer users, and society in general.

To defend against malicious hackers, qualified penetration testers (white hat hackers) are being employed to defend systems. In fact, according to Marketwatch.com, the demand for ethical hackers is increasing as cyber-attacks become more and more catastrophic to large corporations.

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