An Entire MBA in 1 Course:Award Winning Business School Prof

** #1 Best Selling Business Course! ** Everything You Need to Know About Business from Start-up to IPO




This course is taught by an award winning MBA professor with significant real world experience working at Goldman Sachs as well as in the venture capital, hedge fund and consulting industries (he has founded several companies and sits on several boards). Many business concepts are simply common sense. This course will focus on business concepts that you need to know that might not be common sense. This course makes the general business, accounting and finance process very easy to understand! The professor of this course is also the author of “101 Crucial Lessons They Don’t Teach You in Business School,” which Forbes magazine recently called “1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now.”

The contents of this course are all based on my work experience at several firms, including Goldman Sachs, the consulting industry at Accenture, a few companies I have started, the hedge fund industry where I worked at Citadel and also in the venture capital sector (the firm I founded had a venture capital investment in Facebook).I included helpful practical business concepts I learned while I did an MBA at Columbia University and a Bachelor of Commerce degree at McGill University. Think of this course as a “greatest hits” business summaries from my MBA, undergraduate business degree, work experience in consulting, equities, hedge funds, venture capital and starting my own companies.

In this course, you’ll learn;

Over 200,000 students in 196 countries!
Superb reviews!
Free $99 384 page book version of this course!
Take your career to the next level!
Launch a company from scratch.
Get any job the easy way.
Get many customers by using the best networking tool!
Raise a lot of money quickly.
Create financial models from scratch (the Professor makes it so easy to understand).
Analyze company financials with ease!
Understand how investment banking firms work and what they can do to help your business.
Understand how management consulting firms work and when you need to hire them.
Understand how macro economics and micro economics works.
Understand what is venture capital and how to partner with the top venture capital firms to take your company to the next level.
Present to investors and customers like a boss : )
Communicate the right way in business so that you don’t waste time.
Change careers easily.
Network and get a meeting with anyone (ideal tips on how to get a job or how to reinvent yourself or how to find customers).
Analyze entire markets and companies from a qualitative and quantitative perspective.
Understand how taxes work (don’t worry this section is not boring)!
And More!!!




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