Agile Project Management 200+ Tools with Kanban Scrum Devops

Learn 200+ Tools of Agile + Scrum + Kanban + Lean & more. Only Agile Course that includes DevOps & iCAN Certification


Agile project methodology breaks down projects into small pieces that are completed in work sessions that run from the design phase to testing and quality assurance (QA). These sessions are often called sprints, the term for iteration used in one specific and popular Agile development method known as Scrum.

Sprints are generally short, running over days or weeks; they’re typically two to four weeks long.

The Agile methodology enables teams to release segments as they’re completed. This continuous release schedule allows for teams to demonstrate that these segments are successful and, if not, to fix flaws quickly. The belief is that this helps reduce the chance of large-scale failures, because there is continuous improvement throughout the project lifecycle.

In this course you will learn;

Learn end-to-end project management using Agile those include topics: writing user stories, estimate story points, poker planning, release & iteration planning, metrics, analytics & many more

Gain the Skill to apply Explore + Analyse + Solve project management Problems using 5+management Tools

Gain hands-on experience of agile techniques through unique gamification of complex concepts, group brainstorming & case studies directly from industry practitioners

Develop capability to look beyond present domain and industry in diverse fields


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